Monday, April 13, 2009

Henry's opinion about all of this

I think the photo says enough!

Baby Bump at 8 1/2 weeks

I know, I know. Not much of a "baby bump" yet but I wanted a starting point or maybe I just wanted to be able to look back and torture myself in a few months! I will try and take pictures every 4 weeks or so to show everyone my progress. WARNING! In a few months these photos could be hazardous to your health! Oh well, I guess it is all worth it! We are going to the doctor this Friday for our first actual appointment with Dr. Somer-Shely. Up until now it has just been ultrasounds and blood work. Will let you know any news!

No turning back now!

As many of you know ( or not know) we are also building a house right now. I know, we're crazy! Since were not really sure what will come first (house or baby) I figured it would be appropriate to post that here too. Anyway, here is the hole. We just started last Thursday. I hope the pictures will become more interesting as time goes on. =)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

7 week ultrasound

We had our 7 week ultrasound today. Dr. Sommer-Shely just wanted to make sure everything was going alright. The baby's heartrate was 136 and he/she is almost one centimeter long. The official due date is November 19th. I guess we will have something really special to be thankful for this year! Maybe the baby's nickname should be "little turkey". More to come in the future!