Monday, April 13, 2009

Baby Bump at 8 1/2 weeks

I know, I know. Not much of a "baby bump" yet but I wanted a starting point or maybe I just wanted to be able to look back and torture myself in a few months! I will try and take pictures every 4 weeks or so to show everyone my progress. WARNING! In a few months these photos could be hazardous to your health! Oh well, I guess it is all worth it! We are going to the doctor this Friday for our first actual appointment with Dr. Somer-Shely. Up until now it has just been ultrasounds and blood work. Will let you know any news!

1 comment:

  1. You call that a bump?! I call those chizzled abs! Or maybe your stomach looks so perfect because I am use to the watermelon I am lugging around in mine. Your cute, little volleyball will be here before you know it :)
