Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm 6 months old

Well, I'm 6 months old already. Can you believe it? Went to see Dr. Andreson today for my check-up. Here are my latest stats. Weight 16 lbs, 10 oz (64%) Height 26 in
(59%) and head circumference 44 in (88%) I also got two shots. Mom couldn't believe that I barely even cried. Why would I? I'm a big girl now. I sit up by myself now, eat real food (well...kind of, if you call baby food "real" food), and I've started to get my first tooth in. That's not very fun but I guess we all have to go through it. Mom got me some cool teething toys so that makes it better. I can't wait for the summer as you can probably tell from my pictures. I love to swing and so far I like being in the water. There is a rumor going around daycare that there are big pools that your mommy & daddy can take you to when it is hot outside. I hope it's true. Sounds like alot of fun! Well, I think that's it for now. Until next time....

Luv ya,

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