Sunday, November 13, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

90 degree weather in early May = a little sprinkler fun

Nana, Daddy, and Me

So Studious

Every once in a while I like to just sit down in my chair and teach myself a few things.

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

So every year our neighborhood has an Easter Egg Hunt down at one of the parks. I was finally big enough this year to participate. It was so much fun. There were so many kids that my mom had to pick me up and run me over to the eggs before all the big kids got them. The eggs I found were so much better than any other eggs I have seen before because they had candy inside of them! It was so much fun and I can't wait until next year.

Getting ready for my "big girl" potty

I was busy doing something in the house one day and when I came back into the living room this is how I found Bristol.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

First trip to the Children's Museum

My mom took me to the Children's Museum to spend some "girl time" with her friend Jessica and my friend Josie. Jessica and my Mom use to work at the hospital together and were pregnant with the two of us at the same time. Josie is exactly two weeks older than me. We had a great time exploring and I can't wait to go back!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Just the Girls!!

Dance Party

What is with this guy?

But more importantly, why is my Papa sitting on his lap?

Povondra Christmas

Little Fashionista

Croatian Hall Christmas Party

Grandma and Grandpa Povondra invited Mom and I to the annual Croatian Hall Christmas Party this year. It was a great time until this big scary man in a red suit and white beard showed up. I guess most kids go crazy for this guy but I'm not so sure. I did however accept the big cuddly teddy bear he gave me....maybe he's not so bad after all.

More Birthday pics...

So, my real birthday fell on a Monday so I didn't actually celebrate until the following Friday when all of my family was around for Thanksgiving. It was alot of fun! I got the coolest own recliner chair, a BMW car, building blocks, and a stacking toy to name a few. I even had a miniature cake that Mom made just for me. It was yummy...especially the frosting.

Of course with my birthday, also came another visit to good ol' Dr. Andreson. I like him and all but really?....four shots all on one day. That did not feel good! Besides the shots, it went really well. Doc was please with how well I'm growing and he couldn't believe that I had already been walking for 2 months already. My stats this appointment were 31 in (95%), 23 lbs (55%), and 18.5 in for head circumference (90%).

Go's your birthday.