Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm 9 months old!

Well...these last 9 months have really flown by and boy am I making some major changes. I am crawling and cruising furniture like a pro. I can even stand for a few seconds by myself. Mom & Dad think I will be walking soon. My dad walked at 10 months old so maybe I'll beat his record. We will see. I'm really adventurous and don't mind falling down so that helps with the practice. I am eating all kinds of interesting foods now and I'm growing like a weed. Went to see Dr. Andreson yesterday. I was 28.5 inches long (81%), 19lb 9.5oz (64%), and my head measured in the 89th percentile. Hopefully a big head means big brains! I'm still waiting for my top teeth to come in. That's definately not any fun. I've been kind of fussy lately so hopefully that means they are coming soon. Well, I think that is about it for this entry. Until next time....

Luv u,

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