Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm a Girl!!

Someone at the mall asked my Mom if I was a boy or a girl the other day. The following day I was wearing this.

Povondra Christmas

Okay, so I know it has been awhile since I last blogged but as you can see I have been a little busy meeting new friends and celebrating my first Christmas. I am almost 6 weeks old now and am experiencing lots of new things. I can hold my head up pretty well and I am still sleeping well at night. I have decided to test my parents a little bit and show my fussy side at times but so far they seem to be handling it well. My first Christmas was pretty good. Mom and I were stuck at home on Christmas Eve because of a "Christmas Blizzard" while Dad was hard at work at the fire station. On Christmas day, Grandma and Papa, Aunt Kelly & Uncle Danny, and Cole came over to our house to eat and open gifts. I got lots of toys, a new blanket, and some money. Daddy already took the money to put in a savings account for me. I guess there won't be any post-holiday shopping for me. Oh well, I don't really need anything. Mom, Dad, and me are going to visit Grandma & Grandpa Meeker and Aunt Katie & Uncle Kelly for New Year's Eve. It will be my first visit to Sioux Falls and Grandma can't wait to show me off to all of her friends. Well, I better get going. Have a lot of packing to do. Until next time...


New Friends

Everyone put your hands up!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'm 2 weeks old!

Hey, it's me again. I'm officially 2 weeks old now. My mom and dad can't believe how much I'm changing already. My face is filling out a little bit, I'm gaining weight, looking around more and I'm trying really hard to hold up my head. I go to the doctor tomorrow for my checkup. So far doc says everything looks good. This week has been really good. My dad has been home all week doing things around the house. Boy, he works really hard. Mom says it's because he loves us sooo much. Hopefully, he can teach me some of this stuff some day. Mom is keeping busy to0. I could tell she was a little nervous at first when they brought me home but she is becoming more confident everyday. Firsts this week included meeting my Nana (aka Great Grandma Skradski) and having my first professional photo shoot. Although the photographer got some good pics, I don't see a career for myself as a playboy bunny. I just hate being naked and I definately let everyone know it. I don't understand why mom and dad are always putting clothes on me but for these pictures they took all of my clothes off. Oh, well. I did my best. I will post those pics as soon as my mom gets them. Until next time...
Luv u!

First Week Home

Hello everyone! It's Bristol. Because my parents are both so busy, I will be taking over this blog from now on. As often as I can, I will update you on what is going on in my life. I'm sure you are thinking there is no way an infant as young as myself is capable of doing this but remember, I'm gifted (or so my Grandpa & Grandma Meeker say). Anyway, these are pictures from my first week at home. So far, life outside the womb is pretty exciting. I got to come home to a brand new house, meet my dog Henry, visit my dad at the fire station. Heck, I even went shopping on black Friday. That's right, 6 days old and already I love to shop! Best of all, I got to meet all of my family. G & G Meeker were here for a whole week and Uncle Kelly, Aunt Katie, Uncle Todd, Aunt Amy, and my cousins all came for Thanksgiving. As of right now I usually only wake up about one time during the night. My mom or dad feeds me a bottle, change me and then I go right back to sleep. Works out good for both me and the parents. Until next time.
Luv u!

She's finally here!

Bristol Grace Povondra was born on November 22, 2009 at 10:19 am. 7 lbs, 6 oz. 20inches long. We could tell she is going to be a good little girl already. We wanted her to wait until we were in our new house. Well, we moved into the house on Friday night and she was born on Sunday morning. Hope she always listens this well!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

27 weeks

Everything is continuing to go well with this pregnancy. I have been so lucky! Little Bristol is just starting to make Mommy feel a little uncomfortable but not to bad. Will start going to the doctor every two weeks now. I can't believe how fast these weeks fly by! I just hope we move in to the new house before she decides to move out. =)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Henry enjoying my expanding belly

New Pics of the House

Well, we are officially homeless! Kind of. We closed on our house last week and Jeff's parents have been so nice to allow us to live with them until the new house is done. We really owe them!! Jeff is telling me about 3 more months. Everyone say a prayer that things will go smoothly from here on out!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Big Momma's House

Big Momma (19 weeks)

Okay, here it is. I know some of you have been request a new pic. Now you can see why I wasn't in such a rush. It seems like it is getting bigger everyday. Went to see the doctor last week. Everything looked great! We get to find out next Tuesday if it's a boy or girl. Can't wait! Everyone says I am carrying high so that means it's a girl but I wasn't sick at all and that means it's a boy. I really just hope it's one or the other! =)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The house is coming along! They hope to have the framing all done this week and will start on some of the plumbing and electrical very soon.