Sunday, December 6, 2009

First Week Home

Hello everyone! It's Bristol. Because my parents are both so busy, I will be taking over this blog from now on. As often as I can, I will update you on what is going on in my life. I'm sure you are thinking there is no way an infant as young as myself is capable of doing this but remember, I'm gifted (or so my Grandpa & Grandma Meeker say). Anyway, these are pictures from my first week at home. So far, life outside the womb is pretty exciting. I got to come home to a brand new house, meet my dog Henry, visit my dad at the fire station. Heck, I even went shopping on black Friday. That's right, 6 days old and already I love to shop! Best of all, I got to meet all of my family. G & G Meeker were here for a whole week and Uncle Kelly, Aunt Katie, Uncle Todd, Aunt Amy, and my cousins all came for Thanksgiving. As of right now I usually only wake up about one time during the night. My mom or dad feeds me a bottle, change me and then I go right back to sleep. Works out good for both me and the parents. Until next time.
Luv u!

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